Smart structures division

We focus on vibrational behavior, functionally integrated lightweight design and increasing the reliability of mechanical systems. To improve the system properties, we consider innovative passive and active structural measures in addition to lightweight construction principles. We provide support during the feasibility study, design and implement prototypical customeroptimized solutions. We develop adapted tools for system design and assist during their transfer to commercial implementations. For this we develop and use modern methods of numerical and experimental structural and reliability analysis, structural dynamics and signal processing. Smart sensor and actuator systems and electronic subsystems are developed to implement reliable active structural solutions, and control technology solutions are derived from embedded systems. There exists an integrated design chain: metrological analysis, numerical methods for concept evaluation, design and simulation, production of prototype mechanical, electromechanical and electronic functional models, methods and tools for ensuring function and reliability in the laboratory and in field trials.

”We develop cutting edge, efficient and reliable systems with optimized structural dynamics and smart solutions for monitoring them.” Dr.-Ing. S. Herold

Structurally Durable and Function-integrated Lightweight Design (Prof. Andreas Büter): 

  • Experimental characterization of new lightweight construction materials.
  • Assessment / optimization of the structural durability of lightweight structures, e. g. via integrative simulation.
  • Design / prototype production of conventional, fiberreinforced and function-integrated plastic components.
  • Adapted calculation and test procedures for plastic components.
  • Adapted SHM systems.
  • Damage progress investigations using 4d-CT (in-situ CT).

Structural Dynamics and Vibration Technology (Dr. Sven Herold):

  • Structural dynamic analysis, design, evaluation of systems.
  • Vibration control, rotor dynamic, vibro-acoustic system optimization, passive and active measures.
  • Signal processing and control technology for active systems.
  • Development and application of modern numerical system simulation.
  • System development with rapid control prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop.
  • Analysis and assessment of the reliability of mechatronic components/systems.

Experimental Analysis and Electromechanics (Michael Matthias):

  • Modern methods of vibration measurement.
  • Metrological investigations, determination of operating loads / operating stresses, measured data analysis.
  • System identification (EMA, TPA, etc.)
  • Development, implementation, integration of application-optimized actuator and drive systems.
  • Application and integration of custom-matched sensors, development of energy self-sufficient intelligent sensor nodes and systems.
  • Electronic and embedded systems, autonomous structural analysis, damage detection.


Division director Smart structures